Legal notes

Legal notes


The term “Site” refers to: the website held by Cremonini S.p.A. Via Modena 53, Castelvetro di Modena (MO), share capital € 67,073,931.60 fully paid up Modena Chamber of Commerce Admin. Econ. Index no. 126967, Modena Companies Reg. no. and tax ID no. 00162810360 – VAT no. 00162810360.


The term “Users” refers to: visitors to and/or users of the Site.


The “Terms and Conditions” are: the terms and conditions, indicated on the Site at the moment of its use, which discipline the methods for the use of the Site by the Users, which inform the Users of their responsibilities, which advise of the limits of Cremonini’s responsibility, and which therefore represent the entire agreement between Cremonini and the Users to this regard and which annul and replace any previous agreement that may have existed between the same.


Before navigating on the Site, please read all the Terms and Conditions carefully.

By access to any part of section of the Site, the User accepts that he/she is subject to the Terms and Conditions and undertakes to respect them.

In the case of disagreement with any of the conditions included in the Terms and Conditions, Cremonini recommends not navigating on the Site.

Private property - Download

The Users recognise that, by way of example and without limitation, any information, data, software, photographs, graphic materials, videos, music, sounds, images, illustrations, drawings and icons (hereinafter, collectively, the “Contents”) present on the Site, are, unless otherwise indicated, the exclusive property of Cremonini.

The duplication, reproduction – also partial, the downloading, the saving, the publication or the circulation by any means whatsoever and, in general, any act for taking avail or for the use – also partial – of the Contents of the Site, in any form whatsoever and via any media and technology existing or developed in the future, are forbidden, except for the right to download a single copy of Contents indicated as downloadable into a single computer for the User’s own personal use and for non-commercial purposes, and providing the attributions of the author and other credits which refer to copyrights and property rights are maintained intact.

The use of any software that is downloaded from the Site, as well as the files and images contained on the same or created by the same and the data that accompany such software, is granted under usage licence by Cremonini, without this concession implying the transfer on the part of Cremonini of the holdership of the rights covering such software. The Users may not distribute, sell, split up, dismember, decompile, disassemble or otherwise transform such software into a format comprehensible to man.


“Cremonini and Chef Express” are exclusive registered device and word marks of Cremonini S.p.A. and of Chef Express S.p.A., as well as Harry’s Bar Trevi owned by the latter; Chef Express S.p.A. is a company of the Cremonini Group.

Any marks and logos of third parties present on the Site are the exclusive property of the respective holders. It is forbidden to use or reproduce said trademarks in any form or manner.

Use of the site

The Users may use the Site only for licit activities such as, by way and example and without limitation, obtaining information relative to visits and services; any speculative and/or fraudulent use of the Site is strictly forbidden.

It is expressly forbidden to use any part or section of the Site or the Contents of the Site for commercial and/or advertising purposes of any kind whatsoever unless expressly authorised in writing by Cremonini.
Any Users who commit acts contrary to the legal provisions in force shall be prosecuted.

Features of the site

Users can access the Site from any and every part of the world, and therefore the Site could contain references to products and services that are not available in the countries of residence of some Users. The existence of said references does not imply that Cremonini intends to sell said products/services in the countries of the Users in question. Cremonini reserves the right, without notice, to cease the sale of any product/service and to modify the features and also to remove the Site itself from the Internet.

Updating - Guarantee exclusions - Responsibility limits

The Contents of the Site could be subject to periodic changes. Cremonini reserves the right to modify the Site at any moment.

Cremonini gives no guarantee that the Site contains no errors and/or omissions, nor does it guarantee the accuracy, reliability or quality of the Contents of the Site and/or the quality of any services and/or recommendations made available via the Site.

Cremonini also gives no guarantee of the absence of viruses or other components that could cause possible damage to third parties.

Under no circumstances may Cremonini be held responsible for direct, indirect, moral, incidental, special or consequential damages for loss of use, of data or of earnings deriving from, or in any manner connected with, the use of the Site and/or deriving from or connected with delay in and/or the impossibility of using the Site.

Links to other sites

Access to other parts of the site by means of hyperlink can be obtained from the home page subject to request sent to Cremonini. Cremonini reserves the right to deny authorisation to a link if said link can represent in any manner damage, or even only potential damage, of any nature according to its own unappealable opinion.


Any data communicated by the Users to Cremonini via the Site will be carefully processed with all tools that can guarantee the confidentiality and security of said data, and in compliance with the applicable laws in force. Cremonini recommends reading the specific Information Note on privacy: INFORMATION NOTE ON PRIVACY.

Reports and complaints

Cremonini undertakes, on request with indication of the reasons for the same, delivered in writing or via the relative form, to remove any content from the Site if it is found to be the property of subjects other than the subject indicated as the author of the material or the editor of the section of the Site, if any such subject can legitimately claim any rights or interests over the material in question or its contents, or if the contents are prejudicial to any interest or right protected by the law.
For any report, complaint or request for information relative to the Site and its Contents, please use the form to contact Cremonini.

Amendment and substitution of the terms and conditions

Cremonini reserves the right, at its total discretion, to amend the Terms and Conditions at any moment, making known the new terms and conditions via the Site. The new Terms and Conditions shall be valid and binding as of the moment they are published on the Site.

Applicable law and jurisdiction

The Terms and Conditions shall be disciplined and interpreted according to Italian law.
Any dispute deriving from or connected with these Terms and Conditions shall fall under the exclusive jurisdiction of the Court of Modena in Italy. For everything not expressly contemplated herein, the provisions of the law of the Italian Republic currently in force shall apply.